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Interface - USB - Sonnet Tempo SSD SATA-3 expansion card PCIe 2.0

Sonnet Tempo SSD SATA-3 expansion card PCIe 2.0

If you’ve been thinking about fast, bootable storage, you’ve read the stories and seen the reviews; SSDs are hot right now. Not only do they offer tremendous performance and easily outperform hard disk drives, they are more reliable, their prices are dropping and you can get more capacity than ever. If you’ve got a Mac Pro® or older Windows® desktop computer, you could just get a couple of 2.5” SSDs (plus necessary adapters) and install them in some empty drive bays (if there are any) and be done with it—but the 3Gb/s SATA interface in your computer won’t support fast 6Gb/s SSDs at full speed. You could also get a 6Gb/s eSATA adapter plus external mount SSD storage, but they come with the excess baggage of power adapters and cable clutter. Sonnet engineered a great alternative—Tempo™ SSD. It's a fast 6Gb/s SATA PCI Express adapter card that enables you to attach readily available 2.5" SSDs and install the assembly neatly into a single PCIe slot, no cables or drivers necessary.

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SONNET Tempo SSD 6Gb/s SATA PCIe 2.0, expansion card for SSD Bootable from Apple Mac Pro valid Version 3.1 (TSATA6-SSD-E2) [TSATA6-SSD-E2] 1019 (815 utan moms) SEK
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